
Fibonacci Numbers

module Algorithms.Nat.Fibonacci where

import GHC.Natural

import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.Functor.Foldable

In order to calculate the Fibonacci number, we need to know the previous two Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci number can be calculated using Histomorphism, which can refer to any previous result[^1].

-- | >>> fibHisto 5
-- 8
fibHisto :: Natural -> Natural
fibHisto = histo \case
  Nothing                   -> 1
  Just (_ :< Nothing)       -> 1
  Just (n :< Just (m :< _)) -> n + m

Using Mendler-style histo, it can be implemented without being aware of the intermediate structure[^2].

-- | >>> fiboMHisto 5
-- 8
fiboMHisto :: Natural -> Natural
fiboMHisto = mhisto phi . refix
  phi f unIn Nothing = 1
  phi f unIn (Just n) = case unIn n of
    Nothing   -> 1
    (Just n') -> f n + f n'


[1] Uustalu, Tarmo, and Varmo Vene. “Primitive (co) recursion and course-of-value (co) iteration, categorically.” Informatica 10.1 (1999): 5-26.
[2] Uustalu, Tarmo, and Varmo Vene. “Coding recursion a la Mendler.” Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University. 2000.