
Catalan Numbers

module Algorithms.Nat.Catalan where

import GHC.Natural

import Data.Foldable

import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.Functor.Foldable

In order to calculate the Catalan number, we need to refer to all the results of the previous calculations. This type calculation is called as course-of-values recursion. We can implement the Catalan number by using Histomorphism[^1].

-- | >>> catalanHisto 5
-- 42
catalanHisto :: Natural -> Natural
catalanHisto = histo \case
  Nothing    -> 1
  Just table ->
    let xs = toList table
     in sum $ zipWith (*) xs (reverse xs)

toList is too specific and only for this situation. There is also an implementation of Catalan numbers using Dynamorphism in [1] so that the more general case can be assumed.


[1] Hinze, Ralf, and Nicolas Wu. “Histo-and Dynamorphisms Revisited.”