
Run Length Conversion

module Algorithms.List.RunLengthConversion where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Functor.Foldable

The function runLength’s spec is following:

   runLength :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
   runLength = map (head &&& length) . group

We can eliminate the intermediate list between map f and group by fusing them into an anamorphism.

      map f . ana psi
          psi = \ case
            [] -> Nil
            xs -> Cons y ys
      ana psi'
          psi = \ case
            [] -> Nil
            xs -> Cons (f y) ys

We can fuse map (head &&& length) . group into an ana.

      map (head &&& length) . group
      map (head &&& length) . groupBy (==)
      map (head &&& length) . ana psi
          psi = \ case
            []   -> Nil
            x:xs -> uncurry Cons (first (x:)) (span (x ==) xs))
      ana psi'
          psi' = \ case
            []   -> Nil
            x:xs -> uncurry Cons (first ((head &&& length) . (x:))) (span (x ==) xs)

So far, we define runLength as an instance of anamorphism.

   runLength = ana psi
       psi = \ case
         []   -> Nil
         x:xs -> uncurry Cons (first ((head &&& length) . (x:)) (span (x ==) xs))

If we have spanCount :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> (Int, [a]) instead of span, we can get a slightly more efficient definition:

{- |
>>> xs = "mississippi"
>>> runLength xs == (map (head &&& length) . group) xs

runLength :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)] 
runLength = ana psi
    psi = \ case
      []   -> Nil
      x:xs -> uncurry Cons (first ((,) x . succ) (spanCount (x ==) xs))

The spanCount returns the length of the span instead of returning the span itself. Its spec is:

   spanCount p = first length . span p 

We can define the spanCount as an instance of paramorphism.

{- |
>>> xs = [2,4,1,6,3,5]
>>> (spanCount even) xs == (first length . span even) xs

spanCount :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> (Int, [a])
spanCount p = para phi
    phi = \ case
      Nil            -> (0, [])
      Cons a (as, b) -> if p a then first succ b else (0, a:as)