
Matrix Chain Multiplication

module Algorithms.List.MatrixChainMultiplication where

import Control.Comonad.Cofree

import RecursionSchemes.Extra

Matrix Chain Multiplication is an algorithm for finding the order of computation that minimizes the amount of computation for computing the matrix product of given matrices. Check out Matrix chain multiplication - Wikipedia for more information on the algorithm.

-- | Base Functor for the intermediate structure
data F x = F Int Int (Maybe x) deriving Functor

-- | >>> mcm [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
-- 5550000000
mcm :: [Int] -> Int
mcm xs = dyna g f (0, n-1)
  n = length xs - 1
  f (i, j)
    | i == 0 && j == 0 = F i j Nothing
    | i == 0           = F i j (Just (n-j, n-1))
    | otherwise        = F i j (Just (i-1, j-1))
  g (F _ _ Nothing) = 0
  g (F i j (Just cs))
    | i == j = 0
    | otherwise = minimum $ flip map [i..j-1] $ \k ->
        let posR = pos i j - pos i k     - 1
            posL = pos i j - pos (k+1) j - 1
            cost = xs!!i * xs !!(k+1) * xs!!(j+1)
         in lookup cs posR + lookup cs posL + cost
  pos i j = n * (j-i) - (div ((j-i)*(j-i-1)) 2) + i
  lookup (a :< _)               0 = a
  lookup (_ :< F _ _ (Just cs)) n = lookup cs (n-1)