Haskell by Example: Switch
originalimport Data.Time
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
main = do
let i = 2
putStr $ "write " ++ show i ++ " as "
case i of
1 -> putStrLn "one"
2 -> putStrLn "two"
3 -> putStrLn "three"
now <- getCurrentTime
let (_, _, week) = toWeekDate . utctDay $ now
putStrLn $
case week of
6 -> "it's the weekend"
7 -> "it's the weekend"
_ -> "it's a weekday"
localtime <- utcToLocalZonedTime now
let hour = todHour . localTimeOfDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime $ localtime
case hour of
| hour < 12 -> putStrLn "it's before noon"
| otherwise -> putStrLn "it's after noon"
$ runhaskell switch.hs
write 2 as two
it's a weekday
it's after noon
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