- [Tutorial] Creating a BitTorrent client in Haskell
- Kuro’s Blog: [haskell] http-clientライブラリを利用してHaskellでHTTPクライアント機能を実装する
- haskellでクライアント証明書を利用したリクエスト - Home Dog Heavy
- HaskellでTwitterにpostする
- HaskellからSlackにさくっとPOSTする
- HaskellでSlack bot (RTM API) - Qiita
- Writing a haskell client for a third party API
- A minimal web-browser written and configured in Haskell - k0ral/hbro
- The dns package
- basvandijk/rss
- pontarius/pontarius-xmpp
- Ballast, a library for talking to Shipwire –
- Studio Ghibli API
- Haskforce: Haskell Library For Interacting With Salesforce API – Woodson Delhia
- HTTP Client
- Twitter - twitter-conduit
- Facebook - fb
- Instagram - The ig package
- Github
- GitLab
- aristidb/aws
- brendanhay/amazonka
- Haskell で AWS を扱う amazonka ライブラリの紹介
- minio/minio-hs: Minio Client SDK for Haskell
- Amazon SESとNetwork.Mail.Mimeでメールを送信してみた - Qiita
- seek-oss/serverless-haskell: Deploying Haskell applications to AWS Lambda with Serverless
- Nike-Inc/hal: hal provides an AWS Lambda Custom Runtime environment for your Haskell applications.
- Releasing AWS Lambda Haskell Runtime v2 - The Agile Monkeys Journey - Medium
- Slack の スラッシュコマンドを Lambda 上の Haskell で書いてみる - Qiita
- Reddit - reddit
- IRC - glguy/irc-core
- Twilio - steven777400/TwilioIVR
- Stripe - The stripe-haskell package
- Kafka
- kubernetes - soundcloud/haskell-kubernetes
- Telegram Bot API - The telegram-api package
- Clarifai - caneroj1/clarifai-hs
- noraesae/line - Haskell SDK for the LINE APIs
- 1 07 High Performance Client Side Web Applications through Haskell EDSLs
- [ANN] bartlett - a simple Jenkins command-line client in Haskell : haskell
- Shipwire
- matterhorn-chat/mattermost-api: Client side API for communicating with a mattermost server in Haskell
- himura/rio: Remote IO - A Tiny HTTP Client
- ボットをHaskellで書きたくて、フレームワークから作ってみた | IIJ Engineers Blog
- bitemyapp/bloodhound - Haskell Elasticsearch client and query DSL
- CS Syd - Testing the Super User Spark with HSpec
- tweag/sparkle: Haskell on Apache Spark.
- HaskellからWordPressのREST APIを叩くメモ - Qiita
- HaskellでWordPress eXtended RSS (WXR)ファイルをパースする - Qiita
- Writing a discord library using Polysemy | ~simmsb
- Write your own Discord bot in Haskell with calamity - Existential Programming
- wreq
- fimad/scalpel
- egonSchiele/HandsomeSoup
- Nishant9/hScraper
- A Modest Scraping Proposal
- Copping Supreme with Haskell
- Req 1.0.0, HTTP client, and streaming
- HTTP Requests with Hreq
- Basic Data Scraping in Haskell Part 1: HTTP and JSON | Zac Wood
- Network.Mail.Mime でのメール送信方法
- Network.Mail.Client.Gmail でのメール送信方法
- The smtp-mail package
- The imap package
- The HaskellNet package
Front end
- Hakyll - 静的サイトジェネレータ
- シンプルでかつ最高のJavaScriptプロファイラ sjsp を作りました!
- A Distributed Haskell for the Modern Web
- 1 07 High Performance Client Side Web Applications through Haskell EDSLs
- contivero/hasmin: Hasmin - A Haskell CSS Minifier
- BOB 2017 - Alexander Thiemann: The Future of Front-end Development: A comparison - YouTube
- Miso: A tasty Haskell front-end framework
- Elm が苦手なことは Haskell にやらせよう
- Haskellのフロントエンド開発をEDSLでモダンにする - Qiita
- isovector/suavemente: an applicative functor that seamlessly talks to HTML inputs
- State of WebGHC, January 2019 |
- pkamenarsky/replica: A remote virtual DOM library for Haskell
- Bring your Haskell Types to Reason
- Building a web app with functional programming - Haskell - part I · PatchGirl
- Shpadoinkle
Haskell to JavaScript compiler
- ghcjs/ghcjs
- ghcjs/ghcjs-dom
- Fun with GHCJSi
- Haskell to JavaScript
- The State of the GHCJS
- Stackを使ってMacにGHCJSを導入する
- [ny-haskell] GHCJS: Bringing Haskell to the Browser, by Luite Stegeman
- Functional Reactive Web Interfaces with GHCJS and sodium
- GHCJS introduction – Concurrent Haskell in the browser
- skeleton ghc/ghcjs project using nix, stack, cabal, reflex-platform, intero
- Functional Reactive Web Interfaces with GHCJS and sodium
- eamsden/dom-gnats: A binding to ghcjs-vdom for time-flies
- ghcjs/jsaddle: JavaScript interface that works with GHCJS or GHC
- WebGL, Fragment Shader, GHCJS and reflex-dom – Blog – Joachim Breitner’s Homepage
- MacでHaskellを使ってJavaScriptをビルドする環境(GHCJS)を最短で整える(長い) - Qiita
- Monoid XYZ
- Tehnix/miso-isomorphic-stack: An example of an “isomorphic” Miso server set up with stack
- y-taka-23/miso-tutorial-app: An example GHCJS + Miso single page application.
- Fun Fun Functional (1) で Haskell と Firebase を使ってライブコーディングしてきました - チェシャ猫の消滅定理
- Haskell + Haste で Fourier 級数の可視化
- Haste + Parsec でブラウザ上で動く電卓をつくる
- Haskell風AltJSのベンチマーク
- Haste
- Zero config, no server Haste.App
- オートマトンで遊ぶやつを作った
- Automatoy
- kaol/heist-tutorial
- tweag/asterius: A Haskell to WebAssembly compiler
- Tweag I/O - Fibonacci compiles end-to-end — Haskell to WebAssembly via GHC
- Tweag I/O - Haskell WebAssembly calling JavaScript and back again
- Tweag I/O - Asterius GHC WebAssembly backendreaches TodoMVC
- AsteriusでHaskellの関数をJSから呼べるようにしてみた(けど失敗)(拡大版) - Haskell-jp
- Tweag I/O - Haskell art in your browser with Asterius
- Let’s build a Cloudflare Worker with WebAssembly and Haskell - Tutorials
HTML Template
- shakespeare
- ede
- mustache
- The react-haskell package
- blaze-html
- meiersi/blaze-react
- stackbuilders/stache
- Mustache templates in Haskell
- Ginger: Jinja2-style HTML templates for Haskell
- heterocephalus - Haskellとフロントエンドが仲良くできるテンプレートエンジン
- HaskellにおけるHTMLのテンプレートエンジンを調査する
- Haskell Formlets: Composable web form construction and validation
- Formlets are biapplicative
- type-of-html: High performance type driven html generation.
- nice-html: a fast and fancy HTML generation library
- [ANN] colonnade : haskell
- Choosing an HTML library in Haskell
indexHtml :: Html ()
indexHtml = do
html_ $ do
head_ $ do
title_ [] "Hello Lucid!"
link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ "/css/main.css"]
body_ $ do
h1_ [] "Lucid"
p_ [] "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,"
script_ [src_ "/js/main.js"] ("" :: Text)
Back end
- [Tutorial] Haskell Game Server
Web Server
- mighttpd
- Haskell から見た node.js
- Web/Comparison of Happstack, Snap and Yesod
- サーバサイドの並行プログラミング〜かんたんマルチスレッドプログラミング〜
- Bitrot-free Scripts
- Trying to make building webapps easier in Haskell
- 2016 10 27 - Carl Baatz - Build yourself a Haskell web framework
- sarthakbagaria/web-push
- HaskellでServer::Starterを使う - Qiita
- IRIS Connect Engineers’ Blog - Deploying Haskell on AWS Lambda
- IRIS Connect Engineers’ Blog - Decrypting Rails Sessions in Haskell
- Migrating a REST API from Javascript to Haskell
- rodrigosetti/swagger-test: Property based testing tool for Swagger APIs
- An Opinionated Survey of Functional Web Development
- ChrisPenner/Firefly - Simple Haskell http framework
- modern-uri: Modern library for working with URIs
- Crash Course in Happstack
- Generate Typesafe APIs with Fluid Pt.1
- [ANN] rowdy, the web routing DSL : haskell
- abhin4v/hastatic: hastatic is a tiny static web server for Docker
- zhangchiqing/beginner-friendly-haskell-for-web-development: A book about real world web development in beginner friendly Haskell
- A dead-simple web stack in Haskell | William Yao
- adventures in uncertainty: Serving HTTP Content with Fused-Effects
- Conferer, a configuration library for Haskell
- The Happstack Book: Modern, Type-Safe Web Development in Haskell
- Transpiling a large PureScript codebase into Haskell, part 1: The pipeline
- network: Low-level networking interface
- いまどきのHaskellのTCPクライアント
- Haskell でソケット通信をやってみる
- socket
- vincenthz/hs-connection
- TLS/SSL implementation in haskell - vincenthz/hs-tls
- Haskell network library version 3.0 - あどけない話 - networkライブラリの歴史とv3.0のデザインについて
- Implementing graceful-close in Haskell network library - あどけない話
- Implementing HTTP/3 in Haskell - あどけない話
- Haskell版フォルダを指定してhttpで公開する簡易Webサーバー
- wai
- warp
- The Performance of Open Source Applications - Warp
- stackを使ってhaskellで最小のWeb Applicationしてみる
- Using WAI’s vault for fun and profit
- Resurrecting servius
- Nested-Routes - WAI Routing Library
- chpatrick/solga
- Writing controller specs for a Warp server
- What is HTTP/2 server push?
- jfischoff/reuse-port-example
- ondrap/haskell-gssapi
- psibi/wai-slack-middleware: A Slack middleware for wai
- Haskellで超簡単にWebアプリケーションを作る(モナドも出てこないよ) - Qiita
Web Application Framework
- HaskellでWebAppの開発に必要なN個のこと
- CQRS in Haskell
- Announcing serversession
- agrafix/users
- nikita-volkov/strelka
- fast-and-fearless-evolution-of-server-side-webapps/slides-handouts.pdf at master · owickstrom/fast-and-fearless-evolution-of-server-side-webapps
- – Haskell Web Development using Miso in Production : haskell
| Framework | Latest Release | Version | Star | Contributors | | :————— | :————- | :——– | :— | :———– | | Yesod | 2016/6/23 | 1.4.22 | 1496 | 158 | | Scotty | 2015/7/14 | 0.10.2 | 910 | 43 | | Servant | 2016/5/11 | 0.7.1 | 546 | 62 | | Rest | 2016/4/21 | 0.38 | 343 | 20 | | Snap | 2016/3/16 | | 330 | 44 | | Spock | 2015/11/11 | | 309 | 15 | | Airship | 2016/5/28 | 0.6.0 | 177 | 11 | | MFlow | 2015/9/21 | | 87 | 1 | | miku | 2016/3/17 | 2016.3.17 | 76 | 2 | | Apiry | 2016/3/28 | 2.0.1 | 54 | 2 | | Happstack | 2016/6/5 | | 30 | 30 | | Simple | 2016/1/12 | 0.11.1 | 27 | 7 | | Fn | 2016/3/12 | | 13 | 2 | | WebApi | 2016/4/20 | | 10 | 3 |
2016/7/3 調べ
- Taking Authentication to the next Level
- (解説) はてなブックマークにおけるアクセス制御 - 半環構造に基づくモデル化
- hoauth2
- HaskellでOAuth
- – Announcing password-2.0
- wdanilo/haskell-logger
- kazu-yamamoto/logger
- jgoerzen/hslogger
- The logging-effect package
- The logging-facade package
- The katip package
- The monad-log package
- HaskellのロガーKatipを試す
- co-log: Composable Contravariant Combinatorial Comonadic Configurable Convenient Logging
- co-log logging library with polysemy for extensible effects and chronos for fast time : haskell
- 2021-01-02: Thoughts on the logging framework
- snoyberg/keter
- stackbuilders/hapistrano
- Deploying A Haskell Web Service With Nix
- .keterファイルの解凍でエラーになる時は
- Deploying a Haskell application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Keter behind an nginx Reverse Proxy over HTTPS
- The scotty package
- Basic HTTP auth with Scotty
- bendyworks/api-server
- Running a Scotty web-app in Openshift
- On demand image processing with Haskell
- scotty-format: A response format helper for the Scotty web framework
- Scotty による Web アプリ入門 - Qiita
- Rest api in Haskell |
- eckyputrady/haskell-scotty-realworld-example-app - Exemplary real world backend API built with Haskell/Scotty
- More “RowList” fun with Records in Haskell feat. Scotty Route/Handler pairings & HomeRunWannabe - Qiita
- Read you a Scotty
- Building a Blog Part 2: Creating an HTTP API with Scotty and Beam
- HaskellとScottyで簡単にAPIを構築する - Qiita
- Getting started with Haskell projects using Scotty - Tutorials
- Spock Web Framework
- «Spock – Powerful Elegant Web Applications using Haskell» by Alexander Thiemann
- ZuriHac 2015 - Beginning Web Programming in Haskell
- ZuriHac 2016: Spock - Powerful Elegant Web Applications
- tolysz/spock-ghcjs-sample
- Building a REST API
[Your First Web Application with Spock Haskell at Work](
- servant
- parsonsmatt/servant-persistent
- haskell-servant の利用例とちょっとだけ仕組みの調査
- Servant, persistent, and DSLs
- Pulling a mock server for your APIs out of thin air
- Julian Arni - Servant: a type level DSL for web APIs - Curry On
- Content Type Bliss
- Type safe web services in Haskell with Servant
- 03 Type Level Web APIs
- Gabriel439/servant-crud
- Haskell Servant: Type-Level DSLs for Web APIs
- The lackey package
- The servant-swagger package
- Implementing a minimal version of haskell-servant
- Julian Arni - Servant - Boston Haskell
- Servant, Type Families, and Type-level Everything
- futurice/haskell-servant-status
- Haskell and Servant on Scaleway ARM servers
- Dependently typed servers in Servant
- 【型レベルWeb DSL】 Servantの紹介
- tel/serv
- Typed up CRUD SPA with Haskell and Elm
- algas/haskell-servant-codegen
- Deriving a servant schema from your data
- «Making web services better with Servant» by Denis Redozubov
- swagger ドキュメントからコマンド一発でモックサーバを自動生成する (haskell-servant)
- swagger2 and servant-swagger
- servant 0.5 released
- themoritz/diener
- Haskell servant 0.4 のドキュメントを和訳した
- ElvishJerricco/servant-router
- Haskell Servant 入門 (Hello world)
- Haskell Servant 入門 (Loggerの導入)
- Haskell Servant 入門 (HTTPS対応)
- Haskell Servant 入門 (Testing)
- Haskell Servant 入門 (Database)
- haskell-servant/example-servant-persistent
- Token authentication with Servant
- Incremental API Takeover with Haskell Servant
- k-bx/owlcloud
- servant-persistent updated
- Auto-generate service API endpoints from records
- Haskell Servant 入門 (Strongly Typing)
- [ANN] servant-aeson-specs
- servantはじめの一歩 - API,Model編
- servantはじめの一歩 - サーバー編
- servantはじめの一歩 - CLIクライアント編
- Servant authentication and sessions via cookies
- servant-template: production-ready Haskell web services in 5 minutes
- alvare/latexpad - A LaTeX Scratchpad for sharing.
- Arian van Putten - Servant
- themoritz/diener
- Servant に Experimental モジュールとして追加された認証の仕組み
- Kwang’s Haskell Blog - Natural transformations in Servant
- Kwang’s Haskell Blog - How Servant’s type-safe links work
- servant-pushbullet-client: Bindings to the Pushbullet API using servant-client
- Haskell Servant OAuth2.0 for GitHub
- servant-checked-exceptions Haskell package - servant | LibHunt
- Moving From Server Side Sessions To Client Side Session Tokens with Servant
- Authorization in Servant: Walkthrough (WIP)
- Adding a very naive in-memory cache to my Haskell web app
- servant+persistentを利用する - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (1) Servantの基本 - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (2) Persistent - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (3) Esqueleto - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (4) ServantとPersistent/Esqueletoを結合する - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (5) 例外処理 - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (6) 共通処理を実装する - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (7) トランザクション - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (8) モデル(テーブル定義) - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (9) API戻り値の型 - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (10) API入力値の扱い - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (11) Esqueleto:selectの基本 - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (13) Esqueleto:INNER JOINを使ったSELECT
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (14) Esqueleto:INNER JOINを使ったSELECT(その2) - Qiita
- Haskell・Servant+Persistent/Esqueletoで作る実用WebAPI (番外編・1) Haskellで作ってみるアプリの題材は? - Qiita
- slack-api + bloodhound + servant でbot+αを作る
- Queensland FP Lab - Nested routes in servant
- Servant Route Smooshing
- Implementation of Elasticsearch bulk index API in Haskell Servant in 5 mins - YouTube
- Pragmatic Haskell: Simple servant web server / Jappie
- Pragmatic Haskell II: IO Webservant / Jappie
- Why is servant a type-level DSL?
- REST-ish Services in Haskell: Part 1
- REST-ish Services in Haskell: Part 2 - VADOSWARE
- Haskell/Servantで行う安全かつ高速なAPI開発 - Speaker Deck
- Deprecating API endpoints with Servant – Co–Star Engineering – Medium
- Dead-simple TCP/IP services using servant · in Code
- Who Authorized These Ghosts!?
- servant-haskellをCloud Runにのせて結び目不変量を求めるWebアプリを作る - Qiita
- Unifying Servant server error responses
- servant-haskellをCloud Runにのせて結び目不変量を求めるWebアプリを作る - Qiita
- elm & servantでwebアプリ - その1.servant導入 - Qiita
- elm & servantでwebアプリ - その2.Elm導入 - Qiita
- elm & servantでwebアプリ - その3.Elmで動的ページの作成 - Qiita
- elm & servantでwebアプリ - その4.CSS・javascriptの読み込み - Qiita
- [ Andre’s Blog ] → [ URI Fragment support for Servant ]
- cdepillabout/servant-rawm: Effectful Raw handler for Servant servers.
- Mu-Haskell: Docs
- BOB 2021 Alejandro Serrano - Servant vs Mu - YouTube
- Introducing Mu-Haskell v0.1 | 47 Degrees
- Mu-Haskell: Docs
- Yesod Web Framework
- quick start guide
- tutorial
- i18n, authentication, authorization, and database
- book
- cookbook
- Getting started with Yesod using Docker
- yesodweb/yesod-scaffold
- yesod-table
- thoughtbot/yesod-auth-oauth2
- Progress with wai-devel
- Haskell and Type-Safe Routing
- Yesod hosting with Docker and Kubernetes
- Servant style handlers for Yesod
- Haskell stack, Yesod and Docker
- Deploying Yesod to Heroku with Postgres support
- Some extra safety with Yesod routing
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications - Yesod
- Adding Redis to Yesod
- Yesodでセッション情報をDBに格納するようにする
- Monitoring a Yesod App with EKG
- Using UUIDs in Yesod
- How to use UUID values with Persistent and Yesod
- Yesod Web Framework Book
- Haskell web programming - A Yesod tutorial
- [haskell][yesod] stack対応版Yesod tutorial
- Getting (re)started with Yesod and Docker
- psibi/yesod-rest
- Better CI for the Yesod scaffoldings
- Use MySQL Safely in Yesod Applications
- Yesod のインストールとサンプルプログラムの実行
- Yesodのテンプレートから生成されるファイルの役割
- add-handler コマンドでハンドラの追加を行う
- Yesod の Widgets について (その1)
- Yesod の Widgets について (その2)
- YesodでリクエストをフックするにはMiddlewareを使う
- Haskell Bake and Kubernetes
- YesodのCSRF対策の作法
- Yesod のテンプレート言語シェイクスピアを使ってWebサイトを作ってみよう (1)
- Yesod のテンプレート言語シェイクスピアを使ってWebサイトを作ってみよう (2)
- 特定のリソースに対してCSRFチェックを行わないようにする
- Yesod のフォームについて (Applicative の説明と Applicative Form)
- yesod-sitemap を使ったサイトマップの生成方法
- YesodでDBアクセスするときのトランザクション境界
- Yesodで作るWebアプリの起動時にDBに対して処理を行う
- Yesodのmodelsに独自定義した型を使いたいときには
- Yesodのセッションあれこれ
- Haskell Bake and Kubernetes
- Yesodの設定ファイルconfig/settings.ymlに設定を追加する
- Yesodでの認証のしくみについて
- Yesodで作ったWebアプリをketerでデプロイする
- YesodのHandler関数からJSONを返す方法
- Yesodのテストを読み解く
- Yesod でパンくずリストを作る
- Yahoo! JapanのOpenID Connectをyesodで試す - Qiita
- Yesod で現在のページがトップページかどうか判定する方法 - Qiita
- Hamlet で生成される HTML を minify する方法 - Qiita
- reneklacan/yesod-heroku-example - Minimal example of a pipeline for deploying Yesod app to Heroku through CircleCI.
- ゲーム販売webアプリケーションSYAKERAKEを支える技術,HaskellとYesodで作られています - ncaq
- Yesodで作る,業務外社内ツール - wvogel日記
- Vagrant仮想環境に Yesod-MySQL をインストール - Qiita
- Yesodにserversession-backend-redisを組み込んで動かしてみたのでメモしておく - Qiita
- IHP: Integrated Haskell Platform, a batteries-included web framework built on purely functional programming technologies
- IHP: Integrated Haskell Platform, a batteries-included web framework built on purely functional programming technologies
- Displaying Real-Time Data in Your Web Application Without Hassle: IHP Auto Refresh ✨
- Representing an RPC API
- msgpack/msgpack-haskell
- GaloisInc/avro
- spoqa/nirum
- Haskell, can we REST?
- Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell - あどけない話
- Haskell の GraphQL ライブラリ Morpheus を使ってみた - Qiita
- Dropbox Hack Week: GraphQL Server in Haskell
- Announcing graphql-api: Haskell library for GraphQL - jml :: Jonathan Lange
- Morpheus GraphQL | Haskell GraphQL library, Build GraphQL APIs with your favourite functional language!
- Haskell Morpheus GraphQL で GitHub API を試す
Protocol Buffers
- The Remote JSON library
- The remote-json package
- The remote-json-client package
- The remote-json-server package
Web Socket
- websockets
- リアルタイム通信で利用されるプロトコルと手法
- rnons/shadowsocks-haskell
- Run secure WebSocket clients with Wuss
- The wuss package
- A lot of websockets in Haskell
- [ANN] wstunnel: a websocket tunneling tool
- The Hashrocket websocket shootout in Haskell
- 05 Writing a secure WebSocket client
- A lot of websockets in Haskell - We Are Wizards Blog
- Deploying Haskell to Heroku using Docker
- Herokuで、Gititを起動する
- Haskell + Yesodで作ったアプリをHerokuにデプロイする
- How to compile Haskell libraries for Heroku
- Popularizing Haskell through easy web deployment
- Pair programming with Haskell and Digital Ocean
- Making a Haskell (Scotty) web app and putting it on Heroku
- Haskell, Redis, Mailgun and Heroku Scheduler - Ecky Putrady
- Blog – Releasing a Haskell Web App on Heroku with Docker
Haskell on Heroku
$ heroku config:set HALCYON_GHC_VERSION=7.10.1
$ heroku config:set HALCYON_CABAL_VERSION=
- The resource-pool package
- nginx module to enable haskell binding to nginx configuration files
- Тех-Детали: nginx-haskell-module: labeled media routing example
- Nginx Haskell module (yet another doc with examples)
- ANN: QuickLift
- liqd/thentos
- Tor in Haskell & Other Unikernel Tricks
- jdreaver/stratosphere
- kazu-yamamoto/http2
- Haskell compute PaaS with sparkle
- HaNS
- fizruk/http-api-data
- Welcome to marvin’s documentation! — marvin 0.1.5-β documentation
- Dokku環境を構築してHaskellのアプリケーションをデプロイする - Qiita
- お天気Bot で理解する Haskell の便利パッケージ - Qiita
- On anonymous networking in Haskell: announcing Tor and I2P for Haskell
- Getting Started with the Haskell AWS Lambda Runtime
- Expand URI templates with Burrito ·
- HaskellでRSSを生成してみる - Qiita