- repa: High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays.
- Tweag - Parallelising your array code
- Evaluation of Libraries for Parallel Computing in Haskell
- accelerate
- accelerate-cuda
- Accelerateとglossで作るライフゲーム - Qiita
- lts-13.19でaccelerate-llvmを使う時の備忘録 - Qiita
- Obsidian
- Repeating History: Execution Replay for Parallel Haskell Programs
- AutoPar: automating the parallelization of functional programs
- Reasoning About Program Behavior Algebraically
- Finding Parallel Functional Pearls: Automatic Parallel Recursion Scheme Detection in Haskell Functions via Anti-Unification
- Parallel typeclass for Haskell • gvolpe’s blog
- Merritt Blog - Getting Started with OpenCL in Haskell
- ekmett/propagators
- Async Control Flow
- [1803.10670] Deadlock-Free Typestate-Oriented Programming
- [1801.02216] Arrows for Parallel Computation
- Relativistic Programming in Haskell
- Abstracting Async.Concurrently
- rrnewton/haskell-lockfree
- Assume It Worked and Fix Later – Hacker Noon
- [1708.02318] Adaptive Lock-Free Data Structures in Haskell: A General Method for Concurrent Implementation Swapping
- Oath: 安全、高速、合成可能な並行処理 - モナドとわたしとコモナド
- Haskellで並行化する方法: 6秒かかる処理を3秒にしよう
- A Tour of Go in Haskell
- A Tour of Go in Haskellを作ったのと、GoとHaskellの比較 - syocy’s diary
- 高速WebサーバMighttpdのアーキテクチャ
- Green Threads are like Garbage Collection
- Concurrency and Node
- Mio: A High-Performance Multicore IO Manager for GHC
- マルチコアでスケールするようになったHaskell | IIJの技術 | インターネットイニシアティブ(IIJ)
- Threading responsibly - forkIO considered harmful.
- Common Concurrency Abstractions in Haskell, MVar
- Concurrency
- MVarとTVar - Qiita
- 高速なキューを作る話(前編)
- 高速なキューを作る話(後編)
- Haskell における並行処理と並列処理と最適化 - Qiita
- The Haskell Concurrency Primitive Shootout – codeburst
- RAM footprint per unit of concurrency (approx)
- Skynet 1M threads microbenchmark
- Pinpointing deadlocks in Haskell
- Haskell の並列処理と遅延評価の罠
- When threadWaitRead Doesn’t
- The blog of wjwh - How Haskell threads block
- できる!並列・並行プログラミング
- Beautiful concurrency
- Simple STM example
- Lock Free Data Structures using STM in Haskell
- The Future is Parallel, and the Future of Parallel is Declarative
- A Compositional Theory for STM Haskell
- Programming in the Age of Concurrency: Software Transactional Memory
- joey/ blog/ entry/ STM Region contents
- An example of software transactional memory
- Software Transactional Memory
- Improving Haskell STM Performance (2016) : haskell
- TChan vs TQueue: What’s the difference?
- STMとReal-Time Queueを利用したマルチスレッドズンドコキヨシ - Qiita
- Memory
- Haskell’s Missing Concurrency Basics
- Comparative Concurrency with Haskell
- async
- lifted-async
- 新しいlifted-asyncの使い方
- asyncでお手軽非同期プログラミング with Haskell - Qiita
- asyncでお手軽非同期プログラミング with Haskell その2 - Qiita
- Тех-Детали: Masking async tasks in the wild
- Speeding up a distributed computation in Haskell :: FP Complete
- Distributed Programming with Linear Types | SkillsCast | 12th October 2017
- [ANN] distributed-dataset: A distributed data processing framework in Haskell - Utku Demir
- Introduction · Capataz
- [1110.4163] Session Type Inference in Haskell
- [2008.13359] Correctly Implementing Synchronous Message Passing in the Pi-Calculus By Concurrent Haskell’s MVars
- chrisnc/tangaroa
- NicolasT/kontiki - An implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
- adjoint-io/raft: Raft Consensus Algorithm
- agocorona/transient
- agocorona/transient-universe
- Moving Haskell processes between nodes (Transient effects IV)
- Estimation of π using distributed computing. Streaming. Transient effects VI
- Composing distributed Web applications
Actor model
Cloud Haskell
- Cloud Haskell
- Cloud Haskellについて調べてみた - Qiita
- Distributed Systems in Haskell
- Using Cloud Haskell to write a type-safe distributed chat - Tutorials
- Session types in Cloud Haskell : haskell
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: A Cloud Haskell Appetiser (Parallel Haskell Digest 11)
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: Communication Patterns in Cloud Haskell (Part 1)
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: Communication Patterns in Cloud Haskell (Part 2)
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: Communication Patterns in Cloud Haskell (Part 3)
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: Communication Patterns in Cloud Haskell (Part 4)