出典: 課題4
- GHCの線形型プロトタイプを試すだけ - syocy’s diary
- LinearTypes – GHC
- Linear resources in Haskell
- Linearity, Uniqueness, and Haskell
- Oleg’s gists - Linear thoughts
- Retrofitting Linear Types
- Typed Tagless-Final Linear Lambda Calculus - School of Haskell
- Tweag I/O - Compact normal forms + linear types
= efficient network communication - Safe streaming with linear types by m0ar
- m0ar/safe-streaming: Adaptation of the streaming library for increased safety through linear types. Summer of Haskell 2017 project.
- [1710.09756] Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language
- ghc-proposals/proposals/0000-linear-types.rst
- Tweag I/O - Making two garbage collectors be good neighbours
(using linear types) - Linear types can change the world!
- Tweag I/O - Implementing a safer sort with linear types
- Tweag I/O - Streaming with linear types
- Simon Peyton Jones - Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language : haskell
- COMP3161/COMP9161 Supplementary Lecture Notes Linear Types
- Tweag I/O - Safe memory management in inline-java using linear types
- Tweag I/O - A Tale of Two Functors or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Data and Control
- Tweag I/O - On linear types and exceptions
- Tweag - Linear types are merged in GHC
- Tweag - Pure destination-passing style in Linear Haskell
- とりとめのない GHC 線形型メモ - 趣味はデバッグ……
- 刹那的純粋関数的データ構造と線形型 - 趣味はデバッグ……
- Learn just enough about linear types
- Tweag - linear-base makes writing Linear Haskell easy and fun
- HaskellのLinearTypes言語拡張について少し調べた - TSUGULOG
- [1710.09756] Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language
- [2103.06127] Linear Constraints