- An informal introduction to Lambda Calculus.
- Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus
- Alligator Eggs
- Lambda Calculi with Types
- A natural counting of Lambda terms
- Linear-algebraic Lambda-calculus: higher-order, encodings and confluence
- Light Affine Lambda Calculus and Polynomial Time Strong Normalization
- Equality in Lambda Calculus, Weak Universality in Category Theory and Reversible Computations
- Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name
- Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name, Reloaded
- Call-By-Push-Value
- A tutorial on call-by-push-value
- Alternative to the Church, Scott and Parigot encodings of data on the Lambda Calculus.
- The Y Combinator (no, not that one)
- λ-Calculus and Computer Science Theory
- Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications
- The Parametric Lambda Calculus
- Understanding Plotkin’s Call-By-Name, Call-By-Value and the λ-Calculus
- Lambda Calculus - Computerphile - YouTube
- [1701.04240] About the efficient reduction of lambda terms
- Arithmetical theorems with Lambda Calculus
- whiteboard problems in pure lambda calculus | jtolds.com
- Dana Scott - Theory and Models of Lambda Calculus Untyped and Typed - Part 1 of 5 - λC 2017
- A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda Calculus
- A Lambda Calculus for Transfinite Arrays: Unifying Arrays and Streams
- ChristopherKing42/CalculusOfConstructions.hs
- Haskellによる計算機モデルの実装(チューリングマシン) - Qiita
- A tutorial implementation of a dependency typed lambda calculus
- Bound
- Writing a simple evaluator and type-checker in Haskell | bor0’s blog
- Lambda calculus - Lambda Calculus
- Lambda Calculus
- Simply typed lambda calculus - Splinter Suidman
- ラムダ計算で代数的データ型を表現する方法 - @syamino はてなダイアリー
- Bound
- [Philip Wadler – Propositions as Types - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru20eaMYbD
- A circuit-like notation for lambda calculus – csvoss.com