- friday: A functional image processing library for Haskell.
- An Image Processing Language: External and Shallow/Deep Embeddings
- Twinside/Juicy.Pixels
- hip Haskell package - Graphics | LibHunt
- Beginner’s Haskell: Creating Bitmap Images - The Mendo Zone
- Realistic Single-Server Raster Processing
- Juicy Draw
- Xiaolin Wu’s fast antialiased line drawing algorithm in Haskell
- Gluing together animations - Reanimate
- Animation DSL With Effect Handlers
- Reanimate: a tutorial on making programmatic animations | William Yao
- Reanimate
- Reanimate - viewer
- Reanimate 02 - Coordinate systems and Scene
- fltkhs
- Electron, React, and Haskell—Oh My! by Mike Craig
- connors/photon
- Haskell-native spreadsheets
- The Haskell Spreadsheet
- haskell-pkg-janitors/X11
- Nikita Churaev/dialog
- FLTKHS - Easy Native GUIs in Haskell, Today!
- HsQML released: Belated Automatic List Models
- Easy Native GUIs in Haskell, Today!
- Using Electron with Haskell
- Creating a GUI application in Haskell
- deech/webkitfltkhs
- Qtah
- Declarative GTK+ Programming with Haskell | Func Da World
- GTK+ Programming with Haskell | Haskell at Work
- Purely Functional GTK+, Part 1: Hello World | Haskell at Work
- Purely Functional GTK+, Part 2: TodoMVC | Haskell at Work
- gi-gtk-declarative
- Designing a GUI Framework | potocpav.github.io
- [入門] HaskellでGUIプログラミング 導入編 - Qiita
- SDL2で簡単作曲ツールを作る - wvogel日記
- fjvallarino/monomer: An easy to use, cross platform, GUI library for writing Haskell applications.
- Asset management in a real time 3D engine in Haskell
- badamson/2048.hs
- Applied Traversals and isos: a 2048 clone
- elisehuard/game-in-haskell
- Haskellプログラミング講座(上級編:ゲーム)
- hauxir/haskell-tetris
- The vulkan package
- HOgg
- Creating board games in Haskell in 100 lines of code
- LambdaHack/LambdaHack
- physics engine and other tools for 2D shapes - ublubu/shapes
- trin-cz/glxgears-haskell
- Implementing the game 2048 in less than 90 lines of Haskell
- [Haskell] ANN: shine and shine-varying: Lightweight declarative 2D graphics à la gloss using GHCJS (and a FRP interface)
- fgaz/shine
- sleexyz/hylogen
- Writing Games in Haskell with SpriteKit
- isovector/sequoia - a monadic FRP game library for haskell
- Haskell game - my first program in Haskell
- Gamebook solver
- Boids in Haskell Ep.10 – Morning Tsoding - YouTube
- jonascarpay/apecs - a fast, type driven, extensible ECS in pure Haskell
- Manuel Chakravarty - Haskell SpriteKit: A Case Study in Turning a Stateful into a Functional API - YouTube
- nek0/affection: A simple Game Engine in Haskell using SDL
- GameDev in Haskell – Procedural vs Functional (Part 2)
- jonascarpay/phycs - fast 2D game physics
- [Part 2] Tic-tac-toe Game in Haskell – Procedural vs Functional - YouTube
- A Game in Haskell - Dino Rush
- kindl/Hypatia: A ML-family Language Compiled to Lua
- dbousamra/hnes: NES Emulator written in Haskell
- Andre’s Blog - Haskell roguelike
- Fluxを再発明する - The curse of λ
- Purely Functional Games / gilmi
- Peoplemon by Alex Stuart
- tim philip williams :: Generating castles for Minecraft™ using Haskell
- morgenthum.tech - software development and architecture
- mallRL by Nikolas Mählmann
- YourFirstGame with Haskell, Godot, and godot-haskell
- Graphics in Haskell: linear algebra
- HaskellでもDirectX12したい! - Qiita
- dmjio/LearnOpenGL.hs: LearnOpenGL.com examples ported to Haskell
- EgorDm/fp-pacman: Retro Pacman game in Haskell
- incoherentsoftware/defect-process: Defect Process (2d hack n’ slash game) partial source code
- gloss
- Mandelbrot shift
- MWRuszczycky/rubiks: 3D-Rubik’s cube simulator written in Haskell using Gloss
- gloss で Turtle Graphics - Qiita
- not-glossでお手軽3Dグラフィック描画 - Qiita
- Molecular Dynamic Simulations in Haskell
I’ve discovered that GLUT works for me if I compile first with ghc, and then run, rather than attempting to run via ghci or runghc. Have you tried that?
- OpenGL Tutorial 1
- OpenGL Tutorial 2
- プログラミング / Haskell / GLUT
- Modern OpenGL with Haskell
- jaredloomis/Haskell-GLSL-eDSL
- [Haskell]でシューティングを読む(1)
- stackgl/glsl-lighting-walkthrough
- Introducing Luminance, a safer OpenGL API
- Luminance – framebuffers and textures
- Luminance – Vertex Arrays
- Luminance – what was that alignment stuff already?
- Announcing a new set of high-level SDL2 bindings
- lucid-svg 0.7
- The luminance package
- Zyghost / Renderable
- 3D programming in Haskell: Extensive GPipe tutorial now availible
- Realtime 60fps 800 Body Sim using Repa & GPipe.
- OpenGL 3.2 support for luminance!
- Chase-C/Flocking-Simulation
- Existential quantification and GADT in luminance-0.8
- luminance designs
- I3ck/HGE2D
- CIFASIS/ttasm
- Mokosha/Lambency
- Part One - Infrastructure with SDL2
- Part Two - Joystick Control
- HaskellでOpenGLのサンプルを動かす - IT練習ノート
- not-gloss: Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss
- achirkin/vulkan: Low-level low-overhead haskell bindings to vulkan API
- Postmodern Haskell and OpenGL: Introducing vinyl-gl
- chrisdone/sdl2-sprite: Create and animate sprites easily with sdl2 (Haskell)
- typograffiti: Just let me draw nice text already
- sheaf / FIR · GitLab
- UnityでHaskellのコードを実行する方法の模索 - Qiita
- madjestic/Haskell-OpenGL-Tutorial: an attempt to create a concise modern Haskell OpenGL boilerplate with basic IO
- Optimizing Ray Tracing in Haskell | by Sarfaraz Nawaz | The Startup | Jul, 2020 | Medium
- lukexi/halive