- DataHaskell
- DataHaskell’s knowledge base
- When Is Haskell More Useful Than R Or Python In Data Science?
- sarthakbagaria/has-sci - A collection of computational methods in science.
- Gabriel Gonzales: Data science APIs in Haskell - λC Winter Retreat 2017 - YouTube
- Working with data in Haskell
- 関数型言語Haskellを用いた役割指向エージェントベースシミュレーションシステムのプロトタイプ開発
- Travis Athougies - The monadic structure of combinatorial optimization
- Tweag I/O - Haskell meets large scaledistributed analytics
- Girsanov’s Theorem | Maths, Stats & Functional Programming
- Jun Inoueさんのツイート: “Haskell で Euler やる人は arithmoi パッケージを入れておきましょう。2009 年ごろまでは一番解いてる Haskeller だった Daniel Fischer が書いたもので、クッソ速い整数冪根とかメビウス変換、ヤコビ記号などが手に入ります。”
- statistics: A library of statistical types, data, and functions
- Bounded Variation by boundedvariation
- datasets: Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning
- ocramz/record-encode: Generic encoding of record types
- HaskellDo
- static-tensor: Tensors of statically known size
- albertoruiz/hTensor: Multidimensional arrays and simple tensor computations
- Introduction to hTensor
- HeinrichApfelmus/hyper-haskell: The strongly hyped Haskell interpreter.
- mstksg/tensor-ops: Type-safe tensor manipulation operations in Haskell with tensorflow-style automatic differentiation
- easytensor: Pure, type-indexed haskell vector, matrix, and tensor library.
- foldl-statistics: Statistical functions from the statistics package implemented as Folds.
- sparse-linear-algebra: Numerical computing in native Haskell
- sparse-lin-alg: Effective linear algebra on sparse matrices
- sparse: A playground of sparse linear algebra primitives using Morton ordering
- APLicative Programming with Naperian Functors
- Tweag I/O - Here You See the Small Porcupine Perched in Its Tree, Preparing and Crunching Some Data with Me
- datasets: Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning
- Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
- Unit-aware data frames with composite, dimensional and ixset-typed.
- mltool: Machine Learning Toolbox
- functor.tokyo – How to get into Machine Learning for a Haskeller
- Haskellで機械学習を実装しようと思った過去の自分へ
- mikeizbicki/HLearn
- The Intersection of Machine Learning, Types and Testing
- A Purely Functional Typed Approach to Trainable Models (Part 1) · in Code
- A Purely Functional Typed Approach to Trainable Models (Part 2) · in Code
- A Purely Functional Typed Approach to Trainable Models (Part 3) · in Code
- QLearn: A Haskell library for iterative Q-learning.
- Fast Nearest Neighbor Queries in Haskell
- Example: The K-Means Problem
- HaskellでMNISTを使えるようにする - Qiita
- 巡回セールスマン問題を遺伝的アルゴリズムを使ってHaskellで解く! - Qiita
- haskell-EM/Main.hs
- Decision Trees Are Free Monads Over the Reader Functor
- Kalman filters and functional programming
- haskell-kalman-filter/Main.hs
- gym-http-api: REST client to the gym-http-api project
- Dimensions and Haskell: Introduction - Serokell
- Dimensions and Haskell: Singletons in Action - Serokell
- tsoernes/haskelldca: Dynamic Channel Allocation by Reinforcement Learning
- decision-trees/DecisionTrees.hs at master · ocramz/decision-trees
- dpkatz/HaskellGBM: A Haskell wrapper around LightGBM
- kalman: Kalman and particle filters and smoothers
- paulrzcz/HSvm: Haskell bindings of libsvm library
- Shimuuar/monoid-statistics
- Markov Chains à la Carte - Jared Tobin - Medium
- Sentenai/reinforce: Reinforcement learning in haskell
- manifolds: Coordinate-free hypersurfaces
- ocramz/sde: Numerical experiments with stochastic differential equations in Haskell
- mdibaiee/sibe: Experimental Haskell machine learning library
- online | Online statistics
- テンソルを実装するのに表現可能関手がとても便利な件 - Qiita
- Toy Machine Learning with Haskell - Chris Smith - Medium
- Valentin Reis: Multi-Armed Bandits with Haskell / hbandit tutorial
- Performance of Haskell Array libraries through Canny edge detection | Alexey Kuleshevich
- Cuddly, Octo-Palm Tree: Genetic algorithms
- scientific
- Interactive and composable charts
- smoothie
- Constraint Solver
- Floating Point: A Faustian Bargain?
- Haphviz: Graphviz code generation with Haskell
- The graphviz package
- swift-nav/plover
- tepf/QuickPlot
- Haskell でサムネイル生成
- Haskell でサムネイル #2
- Blackstar | Raytracing black holes with Haskell
- Image processing with Juicy Pixels and Repa
- M.M.T Chakravarty - Playing with Graphics and Animations in Haskell
- SVG2 Mesh Gradient rendering in Haskell
- AlexanderKoshkarov/spectralHaskellRepa - Galerkin spectral method with Haskell+Repa
- GRAKN.AI and Haskell
- thorlucas/Sandpiles: Haskell implementation of the Abelian sandpile model.
- prizm: Convert colors to different color spaces, interpolate colors, and transform colors
- ocramz/plot-light: A lightweight plotting library, exporting to SVG
- Visualizing Graphs in Haskell
- Computational Geometry: Set Operations on Polytopes
- Haskell for Numerics? | Maths, Stats & Functional Programming
- A Generative Approach to Simulating Watercolor Paints from “Scratch” | [“turnage”]
- weeezes/plot: Simple plotting tool for the terminal
- Generating Art With Haskell
- Lemmih/reanimate: Reactive framework for animating SVG graphics.
- Cartography in Haskell | Maths, Stats & Functional Programming
- オイラー法でローレンツアトラクタが見たい on Haskell - 置き去りになったメモ
- DataHaskell/numeric-libs-benchmarks: - An overview of Haskell numerical libraries
- interactive-plot: Interactive quick time series plotting
- Frames: Data frames For working with tabular data files
- Frames Tutorial
- Easytensor: flexible type-indexed array DataFrame (t :: l) (ds :: [k]) : haskell
- iHaskellを試してみる
- Install IHaskell on Ubuntu 14.04 with Stack
- IHaskell Online: Help Choose Demo Code Snippets!
- Demo of IHaskell Notebook
- Dockerを利用してjupyterにhaskellを構築した - Qiita
- Tweag I/O - Towards Interactive Data Science in Haskell:Haskell in JupyterLab
- hmatrix
- linear
- static-tensor: Tensors of statically known size
- Efficient Linear Algebra with Plover
- ocramz/sparse-linear-algebra
- laughedelic/sparse-lin-alg
- Haskellの行列計算ライブラリの計算時間を比較
- Haskellで行列式を計算する
- Effective Array Computation in Haskell – The theam journey – Medium
- naperian tensors
- manifolds: Coordinate-free hypersurfaces
- Haskellの行列計算 - 保存と読み出し、複素行列について - Qiita
- Saulzar/Tensor.hs - Attempts at static tensor dimensioning
- repa
- Linear Algebra of Types - Hey There Buddo!
- テンソル形状のコンパイル時検査+実行時アサーション化を今のHaskellで書いてみる - Qiita
- HaskellからBLASを叩く - Qiita
- [1605.02532] HLinear: Exact Dense Linear Algebra in Haskell
- プログラミングのための確率統計 in Haskell
- random-fu
- The generic-random library, part 1: simple generic Arbitrary instances
- Boltzmann sampling for generic Arbitrary instances
- Randomness in Haskell
- A Probabilistic Functional Programming Library for Haskell
- Markov Chains à la Carte - Jared Tobin - Medium
- declarative: DIY Markov Chains.
type Probability = Double
newtype Dist a = D {unD :: [(a,Probability)]}
instance Monad Dist where
return x = D [(x,1)]
(D d) >>= f = D [(y,q*p) | (x,p) <- d, (y,q) <- unD (f x)]
FUNCTIONAL PEARLS: Probabilistic Functional Programming in Haskell
- 確率とモナドと確率論的プログラミング
- adscib/monad-bayes
- A Simple Embedded Probabilistic Programming Language
- Building a probabilistic programming interpreter
- Comonadic Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Memory Efficient Implementation of Probability Monads
- Practical Probabilistic Programming with Monads
- FMFMFMF: Free Monads For Making Fast Models, Functionally.
- Encoding Statistical Independence, Statically – Jared Tobin – Medium
- Deriving a Probability Density Calculator (Functional Pearl)
- BAli-Phy
- Implementing the Giry Monad · jtobin.io
- The Applicative Structure of the Giry Monad · jtobin.io
- Practical Probabilistic Programming with Monads を読む (1) : とりあえずサイコロを振る - Qiita
- The Probability Monad
- Recursive Stochastic Processes · jtobin.io
- jtobin/deanie: An embedded probabilistic programming language.
- Tweag I/O - Probabilistic Programming with monad‑bayes, Part 1: First Steps
- Hakaru
- Probabilistic inference by program transformation in Hakaru (system description)
- Abstract Binding Trees in Hakaru
- [1502.05767] Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey
- ad
- Backpropogation is Just Steepest Descent with Automatic Differentiation
- Automatic Propagation of Uncertainty with AD
- 確率的勾配降下法をadで実装してみた
- Not-o-matic Differentiation | Volts, Sheaves, and Trees
- [1804.00746] The simple essence of automatic differentiation
- Differentiating regions
- Haskellで二重数を使って自動微分 - Сегодня я узнал
- o1lo01ol1o/diffhask: DSL for forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation in Haskell. Port of DiffSharp.
- Downhill
- 自動微分を実装して理解する(前編) - Qiita
- Automatic Differentiation is Trivial in Haskell - DanielBrice.net
- symbolic-expressions-can-be-automatically-differentiated
- Yo Dawg We Heard You Like Derivatives
- Symbolic Calculus in Haskell
- Automasymbolic Differentiation · jtobin.io
- Conal Elliott » Beautiful differentiation
- Computing symbolic gradient vectors with plain Haskell
- 自動微分を実装して理解する(後編) - Qiita
- Reverse mode Automatic Differentiation
- Reverse Mode Auto Differentiation is Kind of Like a Lens - Hey There Buddo!
- Reverse Mode Differentiation is Kind of Like a Lens II - Hey There Buddo!
- Applicative Bidirectional Programming and Automatic Differentiation - Hey There Buddo!
Deep Learning
- austinvhuang/awesome-haskell-deep-learning: In the tradition of “awesome” (curated) lists, this is a list of references and code for doing deep learning in Haskell.
- Neural Networks, Types, and Functional Programming
- hasktorch/hasktorch: Tensors and neural networks in Haskell
- 2018-11-02-hasktorch-release.md
- 型を使って書く機械学習:Hasktorchの紹介 - Qiita
- dnngraph - A DSL for deep neural networks, supporting Caffe and Torch
- HuwCampbell/grenade - Deep Learning in Haskell
- Grenade! Dependently Typed Neural Networks — Monday Morning Haskell
- GU-CLASP/TypedFlow - Typed frontend to TensorFlow and higher-order deep learning
- pfnet-research/menoh-haskell: Haskell binding for Menoh DNN inference library
- tensorflow/haskell
- DeepLearning(1): まずは順伝播(上)
- DeepLearning(2): まずは順伝播(下)
- DeepLearning(3): そして逆伝播(でも全結合層まで)
- DeepLearning(4): CNNの逆伝播完成? - Qiita
- DeepLearning(5): スペースリーク解消! - Qiita
- “Haskell’s stochastic gradient descent implementations comparison.
- ThoughtWorksInc/DeepDarkFantasy: A Programming Language for Deep Learning
- Generating Simple Haskell Programs With Deep Learning
- Variational Autoencoders in Haskell, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Turn My Friends Into Dogs – Declan’s learnin’ nook
- MuniHac 2020: Austin Huang - Hasktorch: Differentiable Functional Programming in Haskell - YouTube
- conal/talk-2018-deep-learning-rebooted: Invited talk for Summer BOB 2019 in Berlin
- leopiney/tensor-safe: A Haskell framework to define valid deep learning models and export them to other frameworks like TensorFlow JS or Keras.
Neural Network
- jbarrow/LambdaNet
- alpmestan/hnn
- Neural networks in Haskell (Lynn)
- rc: Reservoir Computing, fast RNNs
- Haskellでニューラルネットワーク
- Practical Dependent Types in Haskell: Type-Safe Neural Networks (Part 1) · in Code
- mstksg/backprop: Heterogeneous, type-safe automatic backpropagation in Haskell
- Compose :: Melbourne 2017 - Huw Campbell - Grenade - Dependently Typed Neural Networks in Haskell
- quickdudley/hfnn - Haskell Flexible Neural Networks
- Introducing the backprop library · in Code
- saschagrunert/nn: A tiny neural network 🧠
- Haskellでニューラルネットを実装して、MNISTを学習してみた - Qiita
- backprop as functor · Issue #9 · mstksg/backprop
- Lenses for philosophers – Jules Hedges
- Haskell - Get a Brain - Let’s build a neural network from scratch.
- refactoring-neural-network
- mazzo.li – blag – Quick and dirty backpropagation in Haskell
- Practical Dependent Types in Haskell: Type-Safe Neural Networks (Part 1)
- Practical Dependent Types in Haskell 2: Existential Neural Networks and Types at Runtime
- Natural Language Processing for the Working Programmer
- edit-distance: Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
- colada: Colada implements incremental word class class induction using online LDA
- chatter: A library of simple NLP algorithms.
- The Functional Morphology Library
- aneksteind/hext
- duckling Haskell package - Systems | LibHunt
- Haskellで自然言語処理100本ノックの第2章を解いてみる。【前編】 - Qiita
- Haskellで自然言語処理100本ノックの第2章を解いてみる。【後編】 - Qiita
- haskell-opencv
- lehins/hip - Haskell Image Processing Library
- hip - Haskell Image Processing library : haskell
- bmsherman/haskell-matlab
- PythonからHaskell関数を呼ぶ - Qiita
- hpython: Python language tools
- dg — it’s a Python! No, it’s a Haskell!