- Trading Analytics
- Yahoo Finance API Wrapper in Haskell
- paramanders/mollie-api-haskell
- safe-money: Money in the type system where it belongs
- Understanding Simplicity: implementing a smart contract language in 30 lines of Haskell
- Announcing DAML - a Haskell-based smart contract development language : haskell
- Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System[日本語]
- Minimum Viable Block Chain
- buckie/juno
- stratumn
- chainscript
- input-output-hk/cardano-sl: A cryptographic currency
- haskoin/haskoin
- vwwv/easy-bitcoin
- bitcoin-payment-channel: Library for working with Bitcoin payment channels
- Roll your Own Bitcoin Exchange in Haskell
- tdietert/nanocoin - A minimum viable cryptocurrency
- the chain in blockchain explained
- Rolling your Own Blockchain in Haskell
- aviaviavi/cryptocompare: Haskell wrapper for the CryptoCompare API, a source of crypto-currency information and price data
- Smart Contracts and Formal Verification with Z3 with Pact - YouTube
- Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains
- 作って学ぶBitcoin!ゼロから作るSPVウォレット - Qiita
- Introducing the Pact property checker | Monic Blog
- Smart constructors that cannot fail
- reach-sh/reach-lang: Reach: The Safest and Easiest DApp Programming Language
- Let’s Talk ETC! (Ethereum Classic) #15 - Dr. Duncan Coutts - Provably Secure Smart Contracts - YouTube
- trailofbits/echidna: Ethereum fuzz testing framework
- takenobu-hs/haskell-ethereum-assembly: EVM (Ethereum virtual machine) Assembly on Haskell DSL
- airalab/hs-web3 - Ethereum API for Haskell
- wkawin / Ouroboros / ソース / — Bitbucket
- Formal specification for a Cardano wallet - Cardano
- Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants: Semi-Formal Development: The Cardano Wallet
- Philip Wadler Interview | IOHK PlutusFest 2018 - YouTube
- ブロックチェーンを用いた新たなスマート・コントラクト技術Plutus(プルータス)とは? - CNET Japan
- The Haskell Elephant in the Room